Sunday, June 23, 2013

Quality Hip-Hop

Quality Hip-Hop

Today, Hip-Hop fans are divided. There are some fans of Hip-Hop music who consider there selves Hip-Hop heads and they say that “Hip-Hop is dead.” That statement means that the quality of music nowadays is not up to par with what they think it should be. These Hip-Hop heads are fans of older music and a select few new artist.

There other group of Hip-Hop fans are just you average everyday listener. This person may like a song because they like the artist, or they may like a song because they like the beat (music in the background).  Sometimes this casual listener can’t even explain why they like certain songs, they “just do.”

I am somewhat in the middle. I think that every song should have some type of lyrical content, and it should also have a nice beat. I think that the combination of both is what produces a quality song. Most Hip-Hop heads can care less about the beat, as long as the lyrical content is good. Lyrical content  is not only  how they say what they are saying, but what they actually are talking about. Many people think that the in the current state of Hip-Hop there are only four topics which are violence, money, sex, and drugs. And the casual listeners don’t have to have any good lyrics in the song, as long as they can dance to it they like it. I think that as fans we should put more pressure on musicians and producers to make quality music.

At the end of the day, I feel that the music that is put out today is still quality, but it is just a different brand that what the Hip-Hop heads are used to. Music is a business, and it is all about supply and demand. The type of music that is made, the music that is played on the radio, the type of music that is purchased is all demanded by fans. And each artist caters to that fact.

Below are links of others opinion on the topic.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Social Media Goldmine

Social Media is the way of the future. People considered things like Facebook and Twitter a Fad. Well Facebook has been around for a long time and twitter is getting some time under it’s belt.  And we cant forget about one of the most popular websies on the internet, YouTube. There are other Social Media outlets that are gaining popularity now of days like Instagram, Vine, and Keek. These Social Media platforms are here to stay (in my opinion) and could be used to our advantage.

Social Media opens up a world of FREE advertising that could be used by artist, businesses, and anyone else who wants to reach the public. If you put the time in to build a network then your payoff will be great. You can share information with hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people, depending on your networking ability.

Even large companies have noticed how important it is to have some form of social media. If you go to career pages the larger companies they all have a social media department because of how important it is. Everyday new job titles are created because of social media.

My advice to you is to become well versed with all forms of social media because it can be helpful for you in whatever you pursue.