Everything seems to be leaning toward comedy. Comedy seems
to be the new “sex.” In the past, we would always here phrase like “sex sells,”
but now everyone is putting a funny spin on things to grab the attention of
consumers. If you sit down and watch television you will understand what I am
saying. Every company on TV has a commercial that is funny. Most of these
commercials have nothing to do with their product or service but the commercial
has some type of joke in it that they hope will get the customer to remember
their product or service.
Even in music there seems to be more comedy. Songs and music
videos now even feature comedians and other thing to add a funny element to
their work. Even the artist that tries to say witty things that is funny. Some artists
are even comical musicians, where every song they make is funny, and the whole
purpose of their music is to make people laugh.
In the past comedians were big deals. They were on all of
the talk shows. They were in all of the movies. They took over award shows.
They were even featured in music. I am a firm believer of history repeating
itself. Now we have comedians like Mike Epps and Kevin Hart who seem to be the
biggest comedians out at this time. They are in lots of movies, you can hear
everyone on TV recite their jokes, and can go any given place and hear their
Comedy is used not only in advertisement and music. But it
seems like there are more funny movies being made. There are a million sitcoms
on TV. Video games even use comedy
within their story lines. Having something funny just makes things better no
matter what it is.